Sunday, June 10, 2007

Reflection Journal: Task-Based learning-What Kind of Adventure?

The quotation at the beginning of this paper “Task-based learning is like an adventure-learners surprise you by coming up with all kinds of things..” is indeed true to many teachers in the classrooms. TBL when designed effectively can provide enriching learning experience for both learners and teachers.

Task, by a simple definition is a “goal-oriented” activity with clear learning objectives. Teachers can design the tasks into three parts: pre-task, task cycle and language focus-all of which will play parts in ensuring successful language acquisition for learners of varied types. During the pre-task stage, the learners are exposed to the target language through interactions and activation of schemata. The task cycle is where students get opportunities to practice what they know and have learned. The main goal at this stage is to motivate the learners to accomplish the set goals for learning the TL. In the language analysis section, the aim is to get learners to discover the language in terms of the structure and actual use for themselves.

Learners are required to exercise different levels of cognitive processes when completing any given task. TBL will enable learners to practice TL in more systematic, practical and effective ways, thus allowing them to gain competency in overall communication skills.

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