Saturday, March 31, 2007

Week 2: March 14 Discussion Answers

E-Learning in English Education of Korea: Curriculum I

Discussion Questions

1. What is e-learning?

Of all the definitions available, e-learning consists of the two common factors:
-it involves the use of the IT (the ‘e-‘)
-it is used for part of a developmental process (the ‘learning)

E-learning takes on many forms:
-using elements of e-learning to replace traditional teaching methods (ppt vs. OHP)
-combining e-learning elements (CD-ROM) with traditional delivery techniques (handouts, lectures, etc)
-on-line lectures

E-learning includes: IT (information tech) & ICT (information and communication tech)
-IT: components of computing technology, software (Word, Excel), hardware (scanners, CD-ROM, DVD drive) & skills using comp. ex. producing handouts, worksheets, ppt.
-ICT: networking computers to allow communication of information via email, shared access to databases & software and MIS (management information systems) that link together the business aspects of a provider of education and training. WWW.
-ILT (information and learning tech): using ICT to deliver learning materials/experiences and extend to on-line guidance, assessment and recording of progress àsupporting traditional/off-line learning & enhancing the learning experience and creating alternative forms of delivery.

How is this term indicated in this article different from what you have thought? Try to define “e-learning” or “CALL” on your own word based on reading of this week.
The term e-learning on a personal level, I’ve always associated it with on-line learning/teaching. The fact that e-learning combined both IT and ICT/ILT was a fresh reminder of the fundamentals; IT provides the basics of what is required to provide and means to obtain information using the computer related technologies and using ICT to expand information sharing processes.

Based on reading of this week, e-learning and CALL can be defined as following:
e-learning: represents a learning process that utilizes the information and communication technologies to enable more effective and efficient learning and teaching experience.
CALL (computer assisted language learning): learning with emphasis on interactive human communication via computer that facilitates more meaningful and authentic communicative learning & teaching.

2. Give as many examples as possible of e-learning that you (directly or indirectly) experience as a learner/teacher/non-participants. Explain who the participants are and how technology is used.
-uploading power point/handout, VOD files onto the website for teachers to download or view
-uploading/downloading various files (ppt, research documents, etc.) onto/from company ftp (archives) sites, intranet, homepage, etc. for internal use
-downloading homework/reading assignments for CAU/SMU and posting messages on the discussion board
-downloading useful teaching resource materials for personal use from various websites

-creating lecture notes to supplement the on-line lectures (html/gif pages)
-writing content for specific online courses (airline English, Business English
-participating in live on-line discussion forum and posting further messages on the bulletin board
-internet radio DJ –English program for students

-conducted real-time interactive VOD courses: 1 teacher to 3-4 students teaching English (general English/Biz English)
-voice and GVA recording on on-line course materials, lectures and samples for students

-designed a basic storyboard for company website
-used interactive CD-ROM, Test Generator CD-ROM for demo to teachers and students
-joined TOEFL/TOEIC internet café: information, resource materials, etc.
-sending/answering emails ->with customers, students, teachers, etc. regarding inquiries related to English education, books, etc.
-receiving & reading education related materials: email news letters, internet newspaper, etc.

3. Discuss how network technology should function in ESL/EFL class from socio-cognitive perspective. Tell us your thought too.
From socio-cognitive perspective, network technology functions as a facilitator for learners to access to/interact & communicate with other people as well as to information and data on much larger scale. Promotes collaborative, interactive (asynchronous/synchronous) learning/teaching while encouraging students to become autonomous; motivate them to become responsible for their own learning-searching, sharing, publishing, etc. WWW offers more authentic and creative communication tools which should be integrated into all aspects of the course in EFL class.

The future of language learning in ESL/EFL class will inevitably include e-learning of some form. Effective computer-mediated interaction will provide useful mechanism for students to learn in more practical, authentic & communicative learning environment to achieve communicative competence, along with socio-cultural and intercultural competence.

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