Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Back for MORE E-learning~~~~!!!!

Really excited to be back in school to learn and practice using a wide variety of the latest softwares and all....

More to follow....

Sunday, March 23, 2008

My First attempt at using Flying Popcorn 2008 International Conference

Spring 2008 Exploring and Evaluating Multimedia Application

This semester it is all about multimedia in Second Language educational context: We will learn to understand how multimedia can support L2 teaching and learning starting from theory to practice by designing and creating our own multimedia materials using an authoring tool -Flying Popcorn!

I will be updating my blog with reflection journals -discussion materials, software/program evaluations, projects, etc.

I am excited and looking forward to discovering what this fasinating course has to offer throughout this semester.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Final Project on Online Curriculum for Integrated Test Preparation

Here's the updated final project. It's a little long, so you may need to scroll forward~